6. Believe That the Holy Spirit Dwells in You (Matthew 25:1-12)

Episode 6 October 22, 2022 00:38:54
6. Believe That the Holy Spirit Dwells in You (Matthew 25:1-12)
The Holy Spirit who Dwells in Me - The Fail-safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit
6. Believe That the Holy Spirit Dwells in You (Matthew 25:1-12)

Oct 22 2022 | 00:38:54


Show Notes

In the passages above, there are five wise virgins and five foolish virgins. The five foolish ones ask the five wise ones to share some of their oil. But the wise told the foolish ones, “No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.” So, while the foolish ones went out to buy oil, the five wise virgins who had oil with their lamps went into the wedding ceremony. How then can we prepare oil for the Lord? The only thing we need do is to wait for Him with the forgiveness of sins in our hearts.

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